Pertanyaan menggelitik dari temen saya, ketika saya menanyakan mengapa dia senang banget untuk backpacker ke luar negeri daripada di negeri sendiri. Saya bilang gini :
gue : "ntar malu loh di tanya sama turis asing masa negeri sendiri tidak tau".
teman gue : "tau".
teman gue : "So, if you're a foreigner.. What will you ask to me as Indonesia citizen?"
gue : " tell me about your country, about karimun jawa, bromo, raja ampat, bunaken. i heared your country is beautifull"
temen gue : "Its so easy sir"
" If you want to know more, please visit our country! Because words can not describe it, Its not enough.. Pls coming! And you know it all..
betul tuh, saking indahnya tak terkatakan dengan kosa kata manusia yang terbatas
BalasHapusbetull..Because words can not describe it. :D
BalasHapuswords can't describe but words can explain...