Senin, 22 November 2010

Visit Indonesia

Pertanyaan menggelitik dari temen saya, ketika saya menanyakan mengapa dia senang banget untuk backpacker ke luar negeri daripada di negeri sendiri. Saya bilang gini :
gue           : "ntar malu loh di tanya sama turis asing masa negeri sendiri tidak tau".
teman gue : "tau".
teman gue : "So, if you're a foreigner.. What will you ask to me as Indonesia citizen?"
gue           : " tell me about your country, about karimun jawa, bromo, raja ampat, bunaken. i heared your country is beautifull"
temen gue : "Its so easy sir"
                  " If you want to know more, please visit our country! Because words can not describe it, Its not enough.. Pls coming! And you know it all..


3 komentar:

  1. betul tuh, saking indahnya tak terkatakan dengan kosa kata manusia yang terbatas

  2. betull..Because words can not describe it. :D

  3. words can't describe but words can explain...
